
Critical Success Factors

Client Expectations

Know Your Place

Client Culture

Essential Module Cross Reference


Total checks & tips: 52

Revealed here: 12


Without a satisfied Client you have nothing ............... apart from maybe an opportunity to turn the situation around if there have been Client management changes or you are the newly appointed Account Manager.

Client managers & Client staff are human beings, just like you and me. They have good days & bad days! They have pressures inside & outside work. Some are in the wrong job. Some are just not up to it. Some are on the way up, others on the way down. Then there are those that are just plain difficult, who've got attitude - probably the worst of the lot because many are more than capable but just make things very uncomfortable for you and others.

However, no matter what these people are like, you have to work with them. You have to get onto their level and develop a sound business relationship, regardless of how difficult it may be.

Also, everyone must be fully inducted before they start working for any client which will include Client history, relationship, culture, protocols, dress code, hours of work, lunch/coffee times, security (site, themselves, their work), organisation charts, contact details, difficult/problem people, do's & don'ts, etc., etc.

A sample of checks and tips is given below and a further 40 are provided when the module is purchased.

Essential cross references to other key-related modules are also given to ensure watertight coverage of the Client.

Critical Success Factors 

  • the Client's culture will always be sacrosanct whether you find it agreeable or not; you need to understand, accept and comply with it 

  • integration with Client staff, unity & teamwork

  • increased productivity of Client staff/managers

    9 more available

Client Expectations (of your Company)

  • one focal point (Account Manager)

  • skills & knowledge transfer to Client staff/managers

  • early warning of issues/bad news

    18 more available

Know Your Place                     

  • never underestimate an individual (although they may be inadequate, they will always know others who aren't, some of whom have influence) 

  • to look good (let them take the credit even though it's been down to you; they'll know that even if they don't acknowledge it, and it will make you less dispensable)

  • never knock the Competition; your Client contact may have a relative or friend working there or they may have worked there themselves in the past

    6 more available

Client Culture 

  • cultures are not usually written down (& individual views on what it is may vary). Great care must be taken regarding the culture & practice of sub groups within the Client organisation as these may not be consistent with the Client's overall culture & practice. Indeed, there may even be significant conflict, so beware 

  • certain individuals at every level will be seen as 'Company people', people who understand and adopt the core values, ethos, etc. Others either don't understand the culture or do understand but either don't want to conform or openly 'resist' - this is regarded as suicide by anyone who has accepted/adapted to the Company culture and is committed to that way forward

  • over time you will identify 1 or 2 Client 'culture role models' but take care to 'reassess their game' every so often as they may fall out of favour

    7 more available 

Essential Module Cross Reference



Another 40 checks & tips available for purchase


‘ASPIRE’ (How To Manage Any Client) ™
Account Management & Development
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